Nickname -> Pharoah
Offenses -> Disgusting buay hiao bai acts. Keep talking abt love love love & love, thinks ownself got alot of ppl wooing even tho the face *erhem*.. disturbs our O.I.C member, making him feel like puking. Extreme BHB case
Actions -> luff at it =D
Offenses -> KP O.I.C memberS. Too haolian, action. many other things.
Actions -> maintain distant
Offenses -> Order ppl ard even tho not exco. KP O.I.C members. Disgusting. Tell weird things to pharoah leading to pharoah to further think tt it is good looking
Actions -> Point middle finger if feels tt she is talking to u
Offenses -> KP O.I.C members. Do bad things to others.. bastard ppl
Actions -> K.I.V
Offenses -> too many.
Actions -> Act according to scenerio
Offenses -> Xtra. Flirt. Disgusting. Act big.
Actions -> maintain distance
Offenses -> bad breathe (according to some pro guy). steals food supply.
Actions -> protect food supply when going on expeditions

Offenses -> follow ppl like a dog. Lameness.
Actions -> K.I.V

Offenses -> tok too much. Overenthu until buay tahan=.=
Actions -> tell it to shuddup nxt time
Offenses -> flirt until disgusting. Act cute. Flirt wif O.I.C's dreamgirl until in a disgusting act cute way. Describes other ppl's dream girl as porn stars. likes to think tt he is strong by disturbing O.I.C & other ppl. Openly luff at O.I.C member make him feel sad.
Actions -> point middle finger at will & tell him how disgusting he is =)
posted @3:15 PM
wahh.. 2day is damn slack.. wake up walk walk ard den slp again.. slp till lunch.. went makan den come back plae comp till now =.= lol aniways.. took a few pics cuz too bored.. wOOo look!!
my darling~ zz mayb darling too disgusting.. my weapoN!

lOOk at the smile on ouR faces =)

my new weapon on top of my 1st weapon.. =) i love both of them wif the same depth !

aniway my hse de new pet~!! Liquid Paper! muahaaa! damn cute sia!~

Liquid paper's fren.. NiggeR!!

lOl damn cute sia both of them.. originally wanna name Nigger as satish kumaran or raja singay 1.. but i think lets not spoil my feelings towards my hse de cutie rabbit..=) Nigger is gd enuf.. hoOhoo~ now ppl cannot sae i R**ist le rite?!~
ohh yea.. O.I.C action list coming out soon muahaaha stay tuned
bleH cya =)
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