argh so went hm play abit dota.. slp.. slp.. slp.. UNTIL 5PM =.= was supposed to meet soon at 430.. lOL! den after tt i chioongged out.. b4 i chiong out.. my mother still wan mi to open some canned foods for her =.= haiya consider it as doing a good deed..=.= jus open for her lah.. kk so after tt go meet them..ooohh as usual lah those kranji+ swiss + CTSS linkang grp oni loh.. sian.. haha as usual.. tok.crap.nonsense=.= no life bunch of ppl lah hor?
arghh so went marina eat the steamboat again=.- waste money nia.. its $ wasting for ppl who dun eat prawns like mi.. den the hum=.- so small sia.. i eat eat eat until..GRRR stomach ache=.= den go =D.. lOL 1st time do it outside!.. shhhh dun tell others =D ya after tt some bB ppl got some disputes but =.= i jus love peace. but im not peacemaker.. lol.. anw look~!

wonderful creation~ prawn.burnt egg shell
anw after tt went plae CS.. LOl i damn lousy lah. COMPARED TO.. FATHER & GRANDFATHER.. yup so it ended our lame gay party=.=
ohh forgot to mention.. the odac girls & WEILIANG came too.. haha. too bad cant join tgt cuz we haf ppl not frm odac & it wun b nice if we make it bcome odac outing right=.= haha.. anw.. as a sign of apology.. I COOKED A BUNCH OF CHICKEN MEAT FOR U ALL LOL! remember that!
---> I AM A NICE GUY <---
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