ehmz.. ytd went jeslin hse do pW.. loL omg practically did nth but entertain the dogs in her hse (for mi oni lah.. the rest of them got do..=x) and play some poker =D.. lOl quite a gd experience cuz the female holy scary dog finally didn keep barking & i might b able to sae tt.. we're frens! =)
argh.. her male dog is as cute as ever.. nice.. obedient.. cute.. arh yea.. so after tt sebes & mad go mac eat den i cycled hm.. zzZ quite tired cuz woke up early.. den 430pm.. slEep... when i wake up.. it was dark.. i sort of lost my memory.. lOL "oh izzit 6am in the morning?.. "why am i sleeping here?".. "wad time did i slept last night..?" loL all these qns pop in my mind.. i stood up.. blur blur blur blur.. walk out of my room & look at the clock.. oh.. its only 830pm.. den my memories all came bac.. =.= i remb i took an afternoon nap=.=
loL fun experience.. got abit of experience as to how some1 who lost his memories feel.. zz okok so after tt i got normal & nth much le..
zz woke up early again.. cuz haD pw thingy =.= den went to sch 830 cuz my grp got abit of things to settle.. but when i reached there, nbdy was in sight except sebes who was slping..=.= i tapped him.. but he didn wake up.. so i jus walk away.. go toilet 1st.. den saw those ppl gg car wash..=.= sry but.. i cant help =x got pW=.= errrr after tt went bac to PW thingy again..
lOL didn do muCh again.. was slacking.. den prepared my presentation script=.= omG den went to comp lab.. zz the presentations were boring.. (not exactly boring but.. jus dun interest mi)
so played dai di in comp lab=.= lOl used so much time b4 the presentation to play.. when it was my grp's turn, lOL den i reallize.. WE CANNOT READ THE SCRIPT PREPARED =.= mUS speak liddat, w/o any scripts on hand.. den i noe.. DIE!=.= yea took 2minutes only.. cuz i oni got 2 slides.. & nO SCRIPTS =.=
so after tt went meet odac ppl den go makan.. LOL WAITED FOR A CHAMPION FOR 1HR++.. kk nvm tok alot of Co*k wif them. AFTER TT went lot 1 makan=.= saw MISs serene Lai.. BUt she see mi & hj.. jus gave a stern face den a normal hi. =.= COMON. ITS BEEN SO LONG.. U JUS GAVE THIS KIND OF RESPONSE?! =.= SIAN -.- grr so dun care... walked hm after tt since the rest went gym
DEN.. it started raining =.= omG

on my way home.. the view through my specs =.=
long time since i walked home liddat while raining.. since im alone.. i dun care.. jus walk.. dun care how the rain mess my hair jus enjoy the rain like how i enjoyed it in P sch.. grrr but.. damn wet lah.. but sHIOK too =D tts all for now=)
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