wee today marks the end of MANY THINGS! i jus realize! lol.
todae i worked for the last day & am gg get the dumb pay onli at 7th jan =/ which means i dun realli haf many days to spend =/..
tt place aint realli nice to work in but, human haf feelings, especially mi. LOL ya will prolly miss tt place abit... the ppl i met there.. the things i did.. everything.. haha =.=
ok not realli in the mood to blog abt long cowcraps but yea. i will miss everything which ended todae..
hmm i guess its time i put down my pen. oops right.. i need a title for the next book...lets see.... ah! hmm w8 i still need sometime to find a new character to write about....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
christmas + christmas eve.
okay~! have been out v often recently & spent alot of MONEY duno FOR WAD?!=.= i dug out my savings & its still nt enuf! =.= its only tues & im oready flat. zZ
yea so went out wif tt gay-ass grp to do some gay-ass stuffs during christmas eve.
went to dine at cafe cartel! 1st time there lol. the food tastes rather gd? lol i cant realli taste much cuz i keep sneezing. the onli remarkable stuff there is the waiting time for the food... its coOL! its abt 1hr + ! lol aiya cant blame too. its CHRISTMAS eve =/
after tt went to buy some bEEr. ( NOT MY IDEA THX) which costs like bombs. luckily the 50% off sushi brightened up my day as i bought like ALOT ALOT ALOT of sushi for $3.65. haha
oK. SO THE GAY PARTY STARTED at KW hse. we watched some prison show by the rock. haha its nice tho.. but it feels rather weird to watch it wif a bunch of guys at tt kind of time. lol almost fell asleep but. ITS REAL NICE!.
we watch watch watch until christmas came. we didn realli care abt it tho. we were more interested in how the Rock play football.
it is followed by gay-ass cookie making. its SUPER weird for guys to make cookie at tt hour... SERIOUSLY=.= lol but tried to make it anw. at the final step.. the HEATing part. Kw's oven can onli go to 100+ degree celcius b4 it "POP". too bad.. the cookie doughs haf to go sun-tanning in the oven & didn get a chance to be cooked=.=
yea nvm.. played indian poker later & realli had loads of luff.. =D the forfeits are realli GAY!. well fell asleep after losing a few rounds of chinese chess.
its quite an enjoyable day & few words could sum up how i feel: FUN. GAY. CRAZY!
anw.. finally. i wanna dedicated some thx to thyechuan who told mi LOADS of stuffs in army to better prepare mi for the future! and to i wish all the best to every1 including the.....
best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best commando.
Alvin Kok Wei Jie =)
yea so went out wif tt gay-ass grp to do some gay-ass stuffs during christmas eve.
went to dine at cafe cartel! 1st time there lol. the food tastes rather gd? lol i cant realli taste much cuz i keep sneezing. the onli remarkable stuff there is the waiting time for the food... its coOL! its abt 1hr + ! lol aiya cant blame too. its CHRISTMAS eve =/
after tt went to buy some bEEr. ( NOT MY IDEA THX) which costs like bombs. luckily the 50% off sushi brightened up my day as i bought like ALOT ALOT ALOT of sushi for $3.65. haha
oK. SO THE GAY PARTY STARTED at KW hse. we watched some prison show by the rock. haha its nice tho.. but it feels rather weird to watch it wif a bunch of guys at tt kind of time. lol almost fell asleep but. ITS REAL NICE!.
we watch watch watch until christmas came. we didn realli care abt it tho. we were more interested in how the Rock play football.
it is followed by gay-ass cookie making. its SUPER weird for guys to make cookie at tt hour... SERIOUSLY=.= lol but tried to make it anw. at the final step.. the HEATing part. Kw's oven can onli go to 100+ degree celcius b4 it "POP". too bad.. the cookie doughs haf to go sun-tanning in the oven & didn get a chance to be cooked=.=
yea nvm.. played indian poker later & realli had loads of luff.. =D the forfeits are realli GAY!. well fell asleep after losing a few rounds of chinese chess.
its quite an enjoyable day & few words could sum up how i feel: FUN. GAY. CRAZY!
anw.. finally. i wanna dedicated some thx to thyechuan who told mi LOADS of stuffs in army to better prepare mi for the future! and to i wish all the best to every1 including the.....
best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best commando.
Alvin Kok Wei Jie =)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
yeepee~ todae i guess its the 1st time ever i love my work lol. usually my job is a fly-whacker but todae, i seriously feel tt im working in the cafe.lol!=)
kk so at 1st im rather free cuz there are nth much gg on..yea so took some pics when my "boss"
werent looking.! =) lol cant imagine wad he will do if he sees it! =p

-my new found fren "ah kim Goo" who stands beside mi (beside the counter) everyday i talk to him quite frequently when there is nth to do! lol

-a very nice "Royal Truffle chocolate cake" lol ROYAL leh! hhaa a wicked cool angmoh came in to buy this thingy & i accidentally topple tt slice of cake & i keep apologizing. lol but hes nice he said nvm=) yea so tt particular slice of cake bcame my dinner =) IT TASTES SERIOUSLY GOOD!

-OKok SO after tt, i made sandwiches. it was my 1st time tho. lol but yea guess which 1 is i make 1...... =.=
erpx so after tt the event started & many ppl start coming in..den i started working like a cow=/ lol made alot of milo. & seriously, i dun even haf time to go toilet=.= or rest. i hafta serve drinks, take orders, calculate the costs of the event, break & make ice, clear the tables & duno wad more.lol
im happy tho, dunno y. i jus hate sitting there and stoning. loL perhaps this is a symtomp. a sign, tt im a workaholic=/ lol
-pls leave a tag =)
kk so at 1st im rather free cuz there are nth much gg on..yea so took some pics when my "boss"
werent looking.! =) lol cant imagine wad he will do if he sees it! =p
-my new found fren "ah kim Goo" who stands beside mi (beside the counter) everyday i talk to him quite frequently when there is nth to do! lol
-a very nice "Royal Truffle chocolate cake" lol ROYAL leh! hhaa a wicked cool angmoh came in to buy this thingy & i accidentally topple tt slice of cake & i keep apologizing. lol but hes nice he said nvm=) yea so tt particular slice of cake bcame my dinner =) IT TASTES SERIOUSLY GOOD!
-OKok SO after tt, i made sandwiches. it was my 1st time tho. lol but yea guess which 1 is i make 1...... =.=
erpx so after tt the event started & many ppl start coming in..den i started working like a cow=/ lol made alot of milo. & seriously, i dun even haf time to go toilet=.= or rest. i hafta serve drinks, take orders, calculate the costs of the event, break & make ice, clear the tables & duno wad more.lol
im happy tho, dunno y. i jus hate sitting there and stoning. loL perhaps this is a symtomp. a sign, tt im a workaholic=/ lol
-pls leave a tag =)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
rainy tuesday
=\ went to work wif abit of burning passion in the morning. cuz i woke up at 5 todae to blog=) den after tt, went work! lol w8 w8. i literally saw, a LOCK, ON THE BAG!.
i was on the verge of luffin out even tho im alone wif a bunch of strangers in the train. but i only heard abt the wonderful tales of how ppl lock their backpack but haf nv ever seen 1. im so proud tt i actually saw a LIVE "LOCK ON THE BAG TM"
kk bac to serious stuff... tot im gg b late again cuz i left hse at 6:07. super late=\ even tho i still miracle duno wad -ly reach there b4 7! =) haha ran here & there jus to prevent myself frm being late again. lol i was late the 1st day of work, dun wanna be late again.. yea. so i reached dere & was quite lost abt wad to do.
kena alot frm the boss early in the morning cuz im seriously at a loss =.= even tho i got quite abit of complains/scoldings/reminding here & there, i realli feel tt i deserve it. haiz. too stupid lo!
yea yea after a bad start, things started getting better when she left =D lol was finally able to feel less pressure on mi cuz i realli super scared i make more mistakes.=\ phew.

- wiping tables seriously kills lotsa time =) (when u duno wad is there for u to do =\)

- after my A lvls' i nv dreamt of writing so many stuffs AGAIN! =.=

- this. is the most common thing i see at work! (staring out at the window & stone)
aiya. work is rather hard or fun at the same time! depending on how u do stuff & how u view work as =\
i was on the verge of luffin out even tho im alone wif a bunch of strangers in the train. but i only heard abt the wonderful tales of how ppl lock their backpack but haf nv ever seen 1. im so proud tt i actually saw a LIVE "LOCK ON THE BAG TM"
kk bac to serious stuff... tot im gg b late again cuz i left hse at 6:07. super late=\ even tho i still miracle duno wad -ly reach there b4 7! =) haha ran here & there jus to prevent myself frm being late again. lol i was late the 1st day of work, dun wanna be late again.. yea. so i reached dere & was quite lost abt wad to do.
kena alot frm the boss early in the morning cuz im seriously at a loss =.= even tho i got quite abit of complains/scoldings/reminding here & there, i realli feel tt i deserve it. haiz. too stupid lo!
yea yea after a bad start, things started getting better when she left =D lol was finally able to feel less pressure on mi cuz i realli super scared i make more mistakes.=\ phew.
- wiping tables seriously kills lotsa time =) (when u duno wad is there for u to do =\)
- after my A lvls' i nv dreamt of writing so many stuffs AGAIN! =.=
- this. is the most common thing i see at work! (staring out at the window & stone)
aiya. work is rather hard or fun at the same time! depending on how u do stuff & how u view work as =\
Monday, December 10, 2007
rainy monday
bahh. todae was a weird day oh i mean ytd.. haha didn had time to update but now. yea.=)
okay so it started like im slping at home w8ing for time to fly past. until sometime my gd FREN ask mi if wanna meet den go town tgt. den i said ok! haha i tot everything is rather confirmed & we will oni haf to state the meeting place to ermm to meet? ok yea so jus when i got downstairs he told mi the thingy was pushed back till 6 & he is not gg anymore. =) so i was v happy.
therefore, i looked for the other grp of ppl who wanted to go out. but they are not ready..yea so nvm i w8 at the void deck. lazy to go back home.. zz wasnt in any good mood anymore & mood got worse when miscommuncations happened =\
yea anw its fine cuz we all finished wad we had to do soon enuf & i get to meet my class ppl too =) yay. lol was searching high & low in the the rain for tt "mc cafe" brian mentioned & i later realize i kept hanging out at the wrong mc cafe=.= lol.
anw quite a nice thingy i found them later on even tho all i found was 2 ppl wif 2 psp, who seems so engrossed to it. lol. nvm nvm i found them & its good =)
yea so later gz came too. this party bcame rather fun & after having KFC for dinner, we decided to watch the golden COMPASS! go watch the movie whenever u got time too!
-the fish bowl to rear fishes. by great brian.
oh. so after tt when we were gg home had lotsa fun listening to brian's wonderful jokes. lol duno wad goes on in his mind. seriously. LOL.

-the lights that goes "ummmm um um ummmm". by great ervyn
had a rather happy day even tho i still hate the rain =\ haha yea. bye bye! for todae =)
okay so it started like im slping at home w8ing for time to fly past. until sometime my gd FREN ask mi if wanna meet den go town tgt. den i said ok! haha i tot everything is rather confirmed & we will oni haf to state the meeting place to ermm to meet? ok yea so jus when i got downstairs he told mi the thingy was pushed back till 6 & he is not gg anymore. =) so i was v happy.
therefore, i looked for the other grp of ppl who wanted to go out. but they are not ready..yea so nvm i w8 at the void deck. lazy to go back home.. zz wasnt in any good mood anymore & mood got worse when miscommuncations happened =\
yea anw its fine cuz we all finished wad we had to do soon enuf & i get to meet my class ppl too =) yay. lol was searching high & low in the the rain for tt "mc cafe" brian mentioned & i later realize i kept hanging out at the wrong mc cafe=.= lol.
anw quite a nice thingy i found them later on even tho all i found was 2 ppl wif 2 psp, who seems so engrossed to it. lol. nvm nvm i found them & its good =)
yea so later gz came too. this party bcame rather fun & after having KFC for dinner, we decided to watch the golden COMPASS! go watch the movie whenever u got time too!
-the fish bowl to rear fishes. by great brian.
oh. so after tt when we were gg home had lotsa fun listening to brian's wonderful jokes. lol duno wad goes on in his mind. seriously. LOL.
-the lights that goes "ummmm um um ummmm". by great ervyn

Sunday, December 09, 2007
=)2nd time blogging after a long break and ya guess i gotta start frm ytd. had a bachelor guys' outing and probably we really proved tt it aint so lame to haf 5 guys walking ard aimlessly. haha.

*the discussion.

*the process
yea so we reached *********point and had our dinner. wanted to watch some movie at 1st but =( cant find any nice thingy to watch. haha. so AGAIN, we wondered ard aimlessly. looking at many random stuff & discussing abt how we gonna try out new sports & stuff. oH yea. most of the time i had them searching for smth wif mi =.= tt smth is so hard to find & went to duno how many thousand places which came a a naught=\
proudly presenting.. DA EMO KING! =D

yea yea so after tt, went to buy some beer & drank it in some stupid playground. yea got crazy after drinking it & were like toking loads of crap. luffing luffing joking crapping =) duno how long this kinda days can last tho =( haiz. yea. lets enjoy it for now.
=)2nd time blogging after a long break and ya guess i gotta start frm ytd. had a bachelor guys' outing and probably we really proved tt it aint so lame to haf 5 guys walking ard aimlessly. haha.
*the discussion.
*the process
yea so we reached *********point and had our dinner. wanted to watch some movie at 1st but =( cant find any nice thingy to watch. haha. so AGAIN, we wondered ard aimlessly. looking at many random stuff & discussing abt how we gonna try out new sports & stuff. oH yea. most of the time i had them searching for smth wif mi =.= tt smth is so hard to find & went to duno how many thousand places which came a a naught=\
yea yea so after tt, went to buy some beer & drank it in some stupid playground. yea got crazy after drinking it & were like toking loads of crap. luffing luffing joking crapping =) duno how long this kinda days can last tho =( haiz. yea. lets enjoy it for now.
Friday, December 07, 2007
ok. im back but duno hw many actually comes. but well for the sake of blogging, im blogging=)
changed the blogskin, even tho its of the same colour as the previous 1 & the tagboard is still screwed, heck care tho.. gonna try doing up the tagboard tml or wad. =\
well went to work recently & think i kinda screwed up a couple of stuff but =\ too bad then, since i suck. lol.. IF I GET SACKED, I WUN BE SURPRISED. =(
yea. its ok tho. i tried, lOL i dun mind being a slackeer & sleep at home for20hrs perday oso lol. uh sudden urge to write blog cuz im rather fRee now & guess wad. my enlistment date is 12 jan 2008 =.= weird huh? ppl 11 jan if not april, im in 1 of the weirdest date.=.= well who cares, i cant do anything abt it anw.
well guess im gonna BLOg eVERYDAY if i get to touch the comp to update abt my lame life=\ dun wry, it will get interesting once in a while so ya, plz come see see when ever u are free =)
=.= u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u
changed the blogskin, even tho its of the same colour as the previous 1 & the tagboard is still screwed, heck care tho.. gonna try doing up the tagboard tml or wad. =\
well went to work recently & think i kinda screwed up a couple of stuff but =\ too bad then, since i suck. lol.. IF I GET SACKED, I WUN BE SURPRISED. =(
yea. its ok tho. i tried, lOL i dun mind being a slackeer & sleep at home for20hrs perday oso lol. uh sudden urge to write blog cuz im rather fRee now & guess wad. my enlistment date is 12 jan 2008 =.= weird huh? ppl 11 jan if not april, im in 1 of the weirdest date.=.= well who cares, i cant do anything abt it anw.
well guess im gonna BLOg eVERYDAY if i get to touch the comp to update abt my lame life=\ dun wry, it will get interesting once in a while so ya, plz come see see when ever u are free =)
=.= u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
happy bdae to mi.
=) its my birthday! hmm tho its over & few comes to this blog but. yah jus feel like updating for the future "me" to see.
let mi recall... kk its jus another normal day when i wake up & there is a sun. den my mother dragged mi to go choose a cake which she will not liike( equals to a cake which i will like) ya ya den hafta carry tt cake to WALK frm bPP back home=.= lol luckily the cake still look like a cake when i reach home =)
hmm so slacked a while at home & kept looking at my hp =( nobdy asked mi out =.=... ya den duno wad time.. a magical sms came.."hey happy birthday. wanna come sch?" LOl the 1st sms who asked mi out=.= kk so i went. den got 1 guy who haf muscles as big as his face came & gave mi a birthday bash~.~superRRR pain. guess i can still feel it now.=.= uh ya so after tt went KFC to eat. lol didn mind at all cuz kfc food tastes good. oh. ya so later they ask mi to look for a present. zz like i got the cheek to choose. dunno la. ya but after tt chose a watch.. quite EX and sry + thANKs alot to thEM! realli damn touched.. cuz its my last time to celebrate my bdae in uniform.. =(
ya so after tt i went home and ate tt cake. LOl ate ALOT of it and who cares. i dun mind having a 36inch tummy in future. haha.. yea. tt ends my pathetic bdae but im glad enuf~
Thank you all those who remembered! YOU forgot!=.=
let mi recall... kk its jus another normal day when i wake up & there is a sun. den my mother dragged mi to go choose a cake which she will not liike( equals to a cake which i will like) ya ya den hafta carry tt cake to WALK frm bPP back home=.= lol luckily the cake still look like a cake when i reach home =)
hmm so slacked a while at home & kept looking at my hp =( nobdy asked mi out =.=... ya den duno wad time.. a magical sms came.."hey happy birthday. wanna come sch?" LOl the 1st sms who asked mi out=.= kk so i went. den got 1 guy who haf muscles as big as his face came & gave mi a birthday bash~.~superRRR pain. guess i can still feel it now.=.= uh ya so after tt went KFC to eat. lol didn mind at all cuz kfc food tastes good. oh. ya so later they ask mi to look for a present. zz like i got the cheek to choose. dunno la. ya but after tt chose a watch.. quite EX and sry + thANKs alot to thEM! realli damn touched.. cuz its my last time to celebrate my bdae in uniform.. =(
ya so after tt i went home and ate tt cake. LOl ate ALOT of it and who cares. i dun mind having a 36inch tummy in future. haha.. yea. tt ends my pathetic bdae but im glad enuf~
Thank you all those who remembered! YOU forgot!=.=
Saturday, August 04, 2007
sian. guess not many ppl are reading blogs or surfing net when the GREAT exam is coming.. lOl. real weird=.= prelims are coming.. i started studying but=.= oh well still cant do much questions.. now realli motivated to chiong for glorryyyy=.- i wish. lol im still failing my phy & chem.. duno how to catch up anw.=.=
yea yea improvement in mATHS LOL. I WISH IM A GENIUS. somethings i tot shld b ez in the end i cant do. damn tired and lazy during weekends.. w8. i jus remb smth.. i failed my GP terribly.=.= kkk lets start pratising.
My weekdays are pretty normal like any other usual boring college students, the only different thing i did was not to study. I tried to study but I feel that my mouth is the source of trouble. It always wanted to open and my voicebox tends to vibrate as much as usual during the night study program. I personally think that there is not much motivation to study in school for me & certainly less motivation to study at home. Can i create a seperate dimension so that i can study without distractions? No way. Alright i should stop talking about studying here since everyone else is talking about it. Lets talk about something more relaxing, say,.. i suppose there was not much interesting happenings in college these days anyway.
oh yea=.= there was this girl i keep seeing in my neighbourhood lOl. frm 2 weeks ago till now. saw her in NTUC when i was wif my bro. at 1st was wondering y i tot i see this face b4. den the nxt sch day, saw her on the way to sch. lOl =.= the nxt weekend, saw her at NTUC again. den i told my bro abt it..=.= he freaking ask mi to go get her HP no. =.= lame shit. of cuz i didn. no pt harming a young lady.. today. while i was buying dinner near my hse.. i saw her again=.= i pretend i didn see.. cuz i can predict wad my bro will sae later on.. he saw her den sae....
"oi oi its tt girl again..! dun hum ji go get her hP no.! " =.=
den i said "no interest."
den he reply "=.= u lousy shit humji and arrogant."
i kept silent.
"she jus rite for u. cute and not v chio. same pattern as u."
i reply " siao. no interest la. somemore i will look like a weirdo to do that"
den he sae " jus sae u humji. no need excuse."
=.= zZ he is total crap.=.= kk hope u destressed abit.. time to go back studY!!
yea yea improvement in mATHS LOL. I WISH IM A GENIUS. somethings i tot shld b ez in the end i cant do. damn tired and lazy during weekends.. w8. i jus remb smth.. i failed my GP terribly.=.= kkk lets start pratising.
My weekdays are pretty normal like any other usual boring college students, the only different thing i did was not to study. I tried to study but I feel that my mouth is the source of trouble. It always wanted to open and my voicebox tends to vibrate as much as usual during the night study program. I personally think that there is not much motivation to study in school for me & certainly less motivation to study at home. Can i create a seperate dimension so that i can study without distractions? No way. Alright i should stop talking about studying here since everyone else is talking about it. Lets talk about something more relaxing, say,.. i suppose there was not much interesting happenings in college these days anyway.
oh yea=.= there was this girl i keep seeing in my neighbourhood lOl. frm 2 weeks ago till now. saw her in NTUC when i was wif my bro. at 1st was wondering y i tot i see this face b4. den the nxt sch day, saw her on the way to sch. lOl =.= the nxt weekend, saw her at NTUC again. den i told my bro abt it..=.= he freaking ask mi to go get her HP no. =.= lame shit. of cuz i didn. no pt harming a young lady.. today. while i was buying dinner near my hse.. i saw her again=.= i pretend i didn see.. cuz i can predict wad my bro will sae later on.. he saw her den sae....
"oi oi its tt girl again..! dun hum ji go get her hP no.! " =.=
den i said "no interest."
den he reply "=.= u lousy shit humji and arrogant."
i kept silent.
"she jus rite for u. cute and not v chio. same pattern as u."
i reply " siao. no interest la. somemore i will look like a weirdo to do that"
den he sae " jus sae u humji. no need excuse."
=.= zZ he is total crap.=.= kk hope u destressed abit.. time to go back studY!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
jus another day
uh. its abt like erm 90+ days to the moSt impt exam in my life currently. and im still having the JUST ANOTHER DAY attitude-.- it sux. but i realli duno lah=.=.. hope i can catch up wif my studies and stop getting any shitty results... REALLY sick and tired of U. U. and U
yea. im leading a very happy happy happy life now=.= full of laughter and joy and some studying.. altho i still luv sleeping aLOt alot.
call mi a pig.. i dun mind. as long as i get at least 12 hrs of slp / week end.! heh heh. fun FUn.
yea yea lets study hard tgt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea. im leading a very happy happy happy life now=.= full of laughter and joy and some studying.. altho i still luv sleeping aLOt alot.
call mi a pig.. i dun mind. as long as i get at least 12 hrs of slp / week end.! heh heh. fun FUn.
yea yea lets study hard tgt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
detention 2
how lucky. i got my 2nd detention today.. zZ tot today there will b ppl staying back wif mi today but=\ nvm la its my problem not theirs.
hmm duno y as i get nearer to exams. i get slacker. i panic. but i get so tired everyday i needa slp by 10pm if not i will die the nxt day.. haiz not a realli gd day todae cuz some problems in sch lOL. nO fun no fun!
hmm gonna slp soon.. bbyE!
-blog for the sake of blogging=.=
hmm duno y as i get nearer to exams. i get slacker. i panic. but i get so tired everyday i needa slp by 10pm if not i will die the nxt day.. haiz not a realli gd day todae cuz some problems in sch lOL. nO fun no fun!
hmm gonna slp soon.. bbyE!
-blog for the sake of blogging=.=
Monday, July 16, 2007
=.= today is a hhorrrible day. hmm 1st thing, was really close to the sch gate when the pudge stopped us. lOL b4 tt jhui was still saying tt i shld try being late so tt i can hide away frm my CT cuz i missed the college day cuz of, STOMACHACHE! =.= was in serious painn but i doubt any1 wld believe mi=.=... yup so was late & tt teachers scan my card cuz my tie was wif smbdy=D
haha kk tts the 1st bad thing todae.. during maths class, ppl on my left & on my right chose to sit far away frm mi..=.= hmph. WHY?! m i THAT noisY?! =.= haiz nvm liddat i can do better anw. but, loniness is hORRIBLEEE=.= kk after tt, chem lesson.. i forgot to bring my notes=.= hmm. think the teacher saw & dun care or didn see cuz i look too innocent..=X
phy..=.= lend xh my notes den duno wad mysterious was toking bout..=.= SAD SAD SAD BAD. lOL.. rite.. so after tt was quite ok bah..not tt bad le.. only until 6pm.=.=
stupid detention wanna keep mi in sch till 8pm=.= _|_nvm den.. my "frens" left mi, 1 by 1..=.= in the end, it doesnt even matter.. cuz im all alone! hmm did some work & time flew past quite quickly bah.. not as bad as i expected it to be.
true masters must know loniness by name. =\ =\ guess the sign is clear enuf..
haha kk tts the 1st bad thing todae.. during maths class, ppl on my left & on my right chose to sit far away frm mi..=.= hmph. WHY?! m i THAT noisY?! =.= haiz nvm liddat i can do better anw. but, loniness is hORRIBLEEE=.= kk after tt, chem lesson.. i forgot to bring my notes=.= hmm. think the teacher saw & dun care or didn see cuz i look too innocent..=X
phy..=.= lend xh my notes den duno wad mysterious was toking bout..=.= SAD SAD SAD BAD. lOL.. rite.. so after tt was quite ok bah..not tt bad le.. only until 6pm.=.=
stupid detention wanna keep mi in sch till 8pm=.= _|_nvm den.. my "frens" left mi, 1 by 1..=.= in the end, it doesnt even matter.. cuz im all alone! hmm did some work & time flew past quite quickly bah.. not as bad as i expected it to be.
true masters must know loniness by name. =\ =\ guess the sign is clear enuf..
Thursday, July 12, 2007
money money money. makes the world goes round =D
really tight on $$ cuz of so many ppl having birthdays in this weeek =.- lol not blaming u... jus blaming myself for being too nice. haha kk wish every1 happy birthday.! =D
take that, i spent 30cents for like 2 consecutive days jus to save money =x. LOl guess wad i live on for these 2 days..? BREAD BROUGHT TO SCH FRM HOME! lol haven did tt since Psch but.. not bad actually =D seeing ppl eat those nice nice de thingy, den i jus drooOOLLL den eat my lousy bread... lol haiz realy lousy in my studies.. MUST BUCK UPpPppp
kk tts abt alll for todae & tml shld b a bz day =S
ps. i hate getting U's for my results >:(
really tight on $$ cuz of so many ppl having birthdays in this weeek =.- lol not blaming u... jus blaming myself for being too nice. haha kk wish every1 happy birthday.! =D
take that, i spent 30cents for like 2 consecutive days jus to save money =x. LOl guess wad i live on for these 2 days..? BREAD BROUGHT TO SCH FRM HOME! lol haven did tt since Psch but.. not bad actually =D seeing ppl eat those nice nice de thingy, den i jus drooOOLLL den eat my lousy bread... lol haiz realy lousy in my studies.. MUST BUCK UPpPppp
kk tts abt alll for todae & tml shld b a bz day =S
ps. i hate getting U's for my results >:(
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
oooooo end of CHEM PAPER! only 1 last phy paper 1 & 2 left.. LOL
hope can pass all my h2.. =) but hope. is still hope.. =.- anw 1st things 1st.. my tagboard is below~ zz think this skin got problem.. tried to change the position for a few times, the board still die oso dun wanna go up=.-
so now i am damn bored cuz i wanna plae this game.. which i played a few yrs bac.. a great game but became pay to play.. BUT NOW, IT BECOME FREE TO PLAY! zZ!! i wanna return to play this game but=.- i forgot my ID & pw..=.= cant login.. damn sad..grr now see the screen shots all those den damn tempted again.. zzz oh well... lets see wad i can do=.=
yep yep jus now after chem paper went lot1 (again=.=) wif class ppl.. was eating long john & toking to ahmad & sebas abt some crap.. den i mentioned a certain "M.."word=.= guess it was quite a sensitive word? duh den some ppl stared at mi as if i murdered 10000 ppl in 1 nite =.= hai weird ppl.
after tt went walk ard (again=.=) as if we've nv been to lot1 before had fun! haha after tt they went movie den i gO HOME LO! kkkkk
tts all for now.. byBYE
hope can pass all my h2.. =) but hope. is still hope.. =.- anw 1st things 1st.. my tagboard is below~ zz think this skin got problem.. tried to change the position for a few times, the board still die oso dun wanna go up=.-
so now i am damn bored cuz i wanna plae this game.. which i played a few yrs bac.. a great game but became pay to play.. BUT NOW, IT BECOME FREE TO PLAY! zZ!! i wanna return to play this game but=.- i forgot my ID & pw..=.= cant login.. damn sad..grr now see the screen shots all those den damn tempted again.. zzz oh well... lets see wad i can do=.=
yep yep jus now after chem paper went lot1 (again=.=) wif class ppl.. was eating long john & toking to ahmad & sebas abt some crap.. den i mentioned a certain "M.."word=.= guess it was quite a sensitive word? duh den some ppl stared at mi as if i murdered 10000 ppl in 1 nite =.= hai weird ppl.
after tt went walk ard (again=.=) as if we've nv been to lot1 before had fun! haha after tt they went movie den i gO HOME LO! kkkkk
tts all for now.. byBYE
Monday, June 18, 2007
o.o was planning for a 2nd relax session so i went sch at 2pm.. met zy at sch... lol tok cock wif him a while den waited for gz to come yup yup so after tt i did some work & REVEALED some dark secrets to ZANG.. (duno y i tell him anw) ya so i told him somethings which noBDY noes=.-
ah ah ah ah so after after tt he wanted to study so i went bac to zy & gz they all=D
ah so duno wad we tok abt ya jus loads of crap den we went to makan.. while GZ told us tt he cannot adventure tt day! cuz he wnna study! zzZz sian.. lOL anw he made a gd pt & oh well.. during dinner we kept on kp-ing him loL... zz den i started looking for alternatives since gz cant go..=.=
ahh sms-ed my BEST grp & they super steady =) since im the most unsteady among them =D wonderful! we went to junhui hse thoN! zz sad tho i ps-ed zy jus liddat.. didn realli told him tt i will ps him oso.. ahhhhh felt quite bad but.. ahh.. its over le.. yup yup so move on to nxt part!
part II: XH HSE
well had nth much to do cuz they gg thon later & so i went to xh hse 1st.. originaly planning to go mhao hse but... duno y seems tt xh hse seems more appealing to mi so.. i went! =D after i went.. i felt bad.. cuz his family like got some quarrel or wad.. & my presence made them felt weird.. zz bad experience.. but oh well after tt he played dota & i watched den we went to JH hse tgt!!
lol on the way there xh told mi some "DARRK "secrets which almost every1 knew..=.=but oh well his dark secrets are not worth mine.. so the deal was off LOL..... ya so after we reach jh hse, it was fun fun fun fun fun fun luff luff luff luff cuz of tt movie star super funnnny LOL.! played MANY MANY ROUNDS of bridge then looked at other ppl's frenster.. lOL funny experience too cuz it was like a bunch of weirdos looking & commenting super loads at other ppl's frenster=.= sad life but.. tts the way=.-
yup yup duno y time passed quite quickly so we went sch at abt 6 after mac=.- ah they wanted to study after 1 nite of no slp =.= crazy.. when we reach sch.. they all.. SLEPT... wanted mi to wake them up in 1/2 hr time.. but after 30min, i tried to wake them.. none woke up.. bleh so i did my own things. it was then the MOLE & the anti mosquito smokE attacK!
lol they smell smth smelly so they woke up & b4 we notice, we were surrounded by LOADS of smoke =.- lol suay.. & the mole keep staring at us.. damn uncomfortable feel.. damn was tired & PLAYED BRIDGE AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN! lol slept as soon as i reached hoME!
o.o was planning for a 2nd relax session so i went sch at 2pm.. met zy at sch... lol tok cock wif him a while den waited for gz to come yup yup so after tt i did some work & REVEALED some dark secrets to ZANG.. (duno y i tell him anw) ya so i told him somethings which noBDY noes=.-
ah ah ah ah so after after tt he wanted to study so i went bac to zy & gz they all=D
ah so duno wad we tok abt ya jus loads of crap den we went to makan.. while GZ told us tt he cannot adventure tt day! cuz he wnna study! zzZz sian.. lOL anw he made a gd pt & oh well.. during dinner we kept on kp-ing him loL... zz den i started looking for alternatives since gz cant go..=.=
ahh sms-ed my BEST grp & they super steady =) since im the most unsteady among them =D wonderful! we went to junhui hse thoN! zz sad tho i ps-ed zy jus liddat.. didn realli told him tt i will ps him oso.. ahhhhh felt quite bad but.. ahh.. its over le.. yup yup so move on to nxt part!
part II: XH HSE
well had nth much to do cuz they gg thon later & so i went to xh hse 1st.. originaly planning to go mhao hse but... duno y seems tt xh hse seems more appealing to mi so.. i went! =D after i went.. i felt bad.. cuz his family like got some quarrel or wad.. & my presence made them felt weird.. zz bad experience.. but oh well after tt he played dota & i watched den we went to JH hse tgt!!
lol on the way there xh told mi some "DARRK "secrets which almost every1 knew..=.=but oh well his dark secrets are not worth mine.. so the deal was off LOL..... ya so after we reach jh hse, it was fun fun fun fun fun fun luff luff luff luff cuz of tt movie star super funnnny LOL.! played MANY MANY ROUNDS of bridge then looked at other ppl's frenster.. lOL funny experience too cuz it was like a bunch of weirdos looking & commenting super loads at other ppl's frenster=.= sad life but.. tts the way=.-
yup yup duno y time passed quite quickly so we went sch at abt 6 after mac=.- ah they wanted to study after 1 nite of no slp =.= crazy.. when we reach sch.. they all.. SLEPT... wanted mi to wake them up in 1/2 hr time.. but after 30min, i tried to wake them.. none woke up.. bleh so i did my own things. it was then the MOLE & the anti mosquito smokE attacK!
lol they smell smth smelly so they woke up & b4 we notice, we were surrounded by LOADS of smoke =.- lol suay.. & the mole keep staring at us.. damn uncomfortable feel.. damn was tired & PLAYED BRIDGE AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN! lol slept as soon as i reached hoME!
Monday, June 11, 2007
new post
arghh 2:17PM lOl dun wry.... managed to slp earlier ytd at ard 12+.. not realli into those nite owls thingy cuz i will get tired & will wake up at ard 12+pm the nxt day=.- lol hope i can change bac to my normal routine =D..
yup so ytd i tried to complete my maths revision package...hm.. i tried quite hard.. bringing out all my notes & stuff b4 i start doing..so do do do do.. flip flip flip.. some how.. I STILL CANNOT DO SOME OF THE VECTORS QN...=.= nvm.. i managed to somehow "complete" it anyway ( super many holes in btween) ahh den at nite i tried doing the integration part of the revision package.. GAH ANOTHER SUPER HARD TOPIC! i cant realli do even wif my notes & fomula list bside mi.. !!!! was reali pissed!!! INTEGRATION SUCKX!
ah so after bathing, i find tt my specs were abit too loose at the sides.. so i tried to adjust it tighter.. so i pushed the specs & "pak!" the thingy fell off =.= great! saved $$ for so long.. needa use it for specs now=.= holy good luck...
!! when will we haf another relax sessioN!! GZ!!
yup so ytd i tried to complete my maths revision package...hm.. i tried quite hard.. bringing out all my notes & stuff b4 i start doing..so do do do do.. flip flip flip.. some how.. I STILL CANNOT DO SOME OF THE VECTORS QN...=.= nvm.. i managed to somehow "complete" it anyway ( super many holes in btween) ahh den at nite i tried doing the integration part of the revision package.. GAH ANOTHER SUPER HARD TOPIC! i cant realli do even wif my notes & fomula list bside mi.. !!!! was reali pissed!!! INTEGRATION SUCKX!
ah so after bathing, i find tt my specs were abit too loose at the sides.. so i tried to adjust it tighter.. so i pushed the specs & "pak!" the thingy fell off =.= great! saved $$ for so long.. needa use it for specs now=.= holy good luck...
!! when will we haf another relax sessioN!! GZ!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
another night of late slping...=.= didn do much anw.. time jus went by like this like this like that like that.... boring weekends.. no studying.. no outing.. no nth.. zzz
hmm 7 days to midyrs.. =D thx loads.. all the best to every1.. lOL well if u are reading.. u WASTED ANOTHER 1 MINUTE
hmm 7 days to midyrs.. =D thx loads.. all the best to every1.. lOL well if u are reading.. u WASTED ANOTHER 1 MINUTE
Saturday, June 09, 2007
cant slp
cant slp. =.= ok jus in case the timing bcome wrong.. its 2:25am.. only. but well to mi.. im freaking crappy.. duno y i cant slp.. woke up tried to do abit of revision but stopped as fast as i can..=.= haiz.. i think im freaking thinking too much while i was trying to slp..
my thoughts.. secret!.. lOl suddenly felt like finding smbdy to VOMITTT EVERYTHING in my mind frm last time till now.. but..=.- oh well didn realli get the chance.. haiya i think im quite zi bi in a way bah=.- grr... yuppx so realli nth much to sae now.. =D
thanks loads for spending 1 minute reading this crappy entry=)
my thoughts.. secret!.. lOl suddenly felt like finding smbdy to VOMITTT EVERYTHING in my mind frm last time till now.. but..=.- oh well didn realli get the chance.. haiya i think im quite zi bi in a way bah=.- grr... yuppx so realli nth much to sae now.. =D
thanks loads for spending 1 minute reading this crappy entry=)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
part 1: 2pm++
i had nth to do at home so i went to sch again to.. "study"... i did 1 qn of integration. den i junhui bought mac etc etc bac for mh they all.. didn realli wanna eat mac cuz im not realli hungry but.. when they start to shake the fries.. i think otherwise.. i wasss SUPeERRR tempted to get some mac stuff to EAT.=.- therefore after finishing 1 maths qn.. i went out to buy MAC.. den i brought back to sch to makan.. at the same time tok to brian & weiliang for a while.. after tt, i continued to do my maths. looking at qn 1 (ii).. i duno how to do.. so i asked others... den after tt i look at 1 (iii)... i oso duno how to do.. so i asked... den i look at 1(iv).. i oso duno how to do.. nvm.. i ask.. i look at 1(v).. i DUN WANNA DO ALREADY. so i wasted my time sitting ard doing but stone.
so after tt.. zy gz & brian ask mi if wanna go relax=.- (aka waste time in some place den chat.) i wasnt realli keen to go cuz its quite late alrdy & i noe my mum alrdy cooked dinner for mi..
part 2: 7pm++
zy climbed in.. den chatted for a while den we went out of the sch & met gz... on the way "home" they were toking abt some DARK SECRETS.. den they sae they will share all those DARK SECRETS when they go the relax session.. being curious.. & super eager to use my NEWLY MADE EZLINK!! i decided to go wif them lo.. wif thoughts of returning home for dinner a little bit late...
so we reached bPP (brian went home 1st) den sat in mac( mac AGAIN) to chat & eat.. den we talked abt alot of crappy stuff cant realli remb.. den we started toking abt supernatural stuffs... i got EXCITED. ** got scared. ** felt nth much... so we look at the time... 11:45 OMG.. LOL so we rushed out & find out tt last bus left at 1130.. happy new yr =) so we were deciding on how we go home den **, being scared, said he dun dare to walk back home cuz its dark.. so.. after 1-2 mths w/o having any outdoor activities... I WANTED TO HAF ADVENTURE. SO, i asked ** to walk home tgt wif **.. hoping to see some exciting things.. ** being the "..mm.. ok la..." man.. agreed on the trip..=)
part 3: 12++am
as we to some deserted place but not reali dark dark those kind, we met the legendary cigerratte seller by the roadside o.O they asked us if we wanna buy but we jus said no & walked away.. at the same time, fearing that those vendors will attk us.. situation was rather tense =.-
kkkkkkkkk so we reached ** hse.. & i find tt its not realli tt ADVENTUROUS to walk along the road wif street lamps. so.. i asked ** to walk the CANAL WIF MI.. den the "..mm.. ok la.." man agreed so we were abt to end our trip by jus walking the wonderful super dark canal road den he cab home i walk home.. den we called alex since he is nearby if he is interested in some ADVENTURE..well he wasnt in his prime fitness so the adventure was cancelled.. haiz.. but he came out to meet us anw.. my mum called.. ask mi where i was.. i told her i was WALKING home frm cck.. lol den i regretted soon after.. i shld haf told her tt i was walking home frm woodlands so tt she wun expect mi to return home soon =.=
part4: 1++
i began to wonder y m i still lurking ard in the yew tee neighbourhood at this time=.= i shld b at home slping in my comfortable bed. =.= lol but nvm since fate brought mi there so i continued the journey.. ** was called out frm his hse.. den after some discussion. we went to bukit timah for some wonderful roti prata.after tt we slacked awhile den we decided to go home.. lol kkk so nth much after tt.. oni tt i feel damn guilty they haf to take another route so tt i can drop off 1st..=.=ah so i guess i anyhow see tt "oh the cab is in the teck whye region le" den i alight =) so i walked home but luckily.. didn see anything tt is too ADVENTUROUS while i was walking home alone.. pHEW... so... after tt.. I SLEPT! =) den my dinner which my mother cooked was still waiting for mi=)
part 1: 2pm++
i had nth to do at home so i went to sch again to.. "study"... i did 1 qn of integration. den i junhui bought mac etc etc bac for mh they all.. didn realli wanna eat mac cuz im not realli hungry but.. when they start to shake the fries.. i think otherwise.. i wasss SUPeERRR tempted to get some mac stuff to EAT.=.- therefore after finishing 1 maths qn.. i went out to buy MAC.. den i brought back to sch to makan.. at the same time tok to brian & weiliang for a while.. after tt, i continued to do my maths. looking at qn 1 (ii).. i duno how to do.. so i asked others... den after tt i look at 1 (iii)... i oso duno how to do.. so i asked... den i look at 1(iv).. i oso duno how to do.. nvm.. i ask.. i look at 1(v).. i DUN WANNA DO ALREADY. so i wasted my time sitting ard doing but stone.
so after tt.. zy gz & brian ask mi if wanna go relax=.- (aka waste time in some place den chat.) i wasnt realli keen to go cuz its quite late alrdy & i noe my mum alrdy cooked dinner for mi..
part 2: 7pm++
zy climbed in.. den chatted for a while den we went out of the sch & met gz... on the way "home" they were toking abt some DARK SECRETS.. den they sae they will share all those DARK SECRETS when they go the relax session.. being curious.. & super eager to use my NEWLY MADE EZLINK!! i decided to go wif them lo.. wif thoughts of returning home for dinner a little bit late...
so we reached bPP (brian went home 1st) den sat in mac( mac AGAIN) to chat & eat.. den we talked abt alot of crappy stuff cant realli remb.. den we started toking abt supernatural stuffs... i got EXCITED. ** got scared. ** felt nth much... so we look at the time... 11:45 OMG.. LOL so we rushed out & find out tt last bus left at 1130.. happy new yr =) so we were deciding on how we go home den **, being scared, said he dun dare to walk back home cuz its dark.. so.. after 1-2 mths w/o having any outdoor activities... I WANTED TO HAF ADVENTURE. SO, i asked ** to walk home tgt wif **.. hoping to see some exciting things.. ** being the "..mm.. ok la..." man.. agreed on the trip..=)
part 3: 12++am
as we to some deserted place but not reali dark dark those kind, we met the legendary cigerratte seller by the roadside o.O they asked us if we wanna buy but we jus said no & walked away.. at the same time, fearing that those vendors will attk us.. situation was rather tense =.-
kkkkkkkkk so we reached ** hse.. & i find tt its not realli tt ADVENTUROUS to walk along the road wif street lamps. so.. i asked ** to walk the CANAL WIF MI.. den the "..mm.. ok la.." man agreed so we were abt to end our trip by jus walking the wonderful super dark canal road den he cab home i walk home.. den we called alex since he is nearby if he is interested in some ADVENTURE..well he wasnt in his prime fitness so the adventure was cancelled.. haiz.. but he came out to meet us anw.. my mum called.. ask mi where i was.. i told her i was WALKING home frm cck.. lol den i regretted soon after.. i shld haf told her tt i was walking home frm woodlands so tt she wun expect mi to return home soon =.=
part4: 1++
i began to wonder y m i still lurking ard in the yew tee neighbourhood at this time=.= i shld b at home slping in my comfortable bed. =.= lol but nvm since fate brought mi there so i continued the journey.. ** was called out frm his hse.. den after some discussion. we went to bukit timah for some wonderful roti prata.after tt we slacked awhile den we decided to go home.. lol kkk so nth much after tt.. oni tt i feel damn guilty they haf to take another route so tt i can drop off 1st..=.=ah so i guess i anyhow see tt "oh the cab is in the teck whye region le" den i alight =) so i walked home but luckily.. didn see anything tt is too ADVENTUROUS while i was walking home alone.. pHEW... so... after tt.. I SLEPT! =) den my dinner which my mother cooked was still waiting for mi=)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
ahh nth interesting wif my life now.. slack slack slack slack..
todae went to sch to "study" so went out & walked to sch.. duno y.. i think its probably becoz of my BODY FATS. i tend to sweat quite alot jus bcoz of some walking=.- haiz.. ya so reached sch.. tried to settle down.. took out my foolscap paper etc.. den.. due to the loVE for my frens.. i started chatting wif them.. tmd... wasted! wasted alot of precious time! but when im wif my close frens.. & if i dun tok to them.. it feels awkward...!! grr think i realli cant study in sch..
yup yup so time FLEW past quickly! most of the time.. im jus luffing away, but now i thnk back.. i forgot wad i laughed at.. weird mi! ahh seems tt my freNNNSS haf someeee huggge prob but.. haiz. hope they get better ya? if they( u noe hu u are bah =) ) happen to see this.. plz noe tt i will be awaiting ur orders for any help u need(if u ever need).. gahhh
yup so when i was abt to go.. i was riding on sme bicycle.. a girl called out "hey boy boy boy on bicycle!" .. O M G.. tt was 1 of the worse thing i wanna hear in my life... gRRrr shall not reveal names here but... plz take note.. no "BOY" when u are referring to the C-H-A-O-Y-I okay? or if duno my name.. DUN EVER CALL MI BOY! TMD
todae went to sch to "study" so went out & walked to sch.. duno y.. i think its probably becoz of my BODY FATS. i tend to sweat quite alot jus bcoz of some walking=.- haiz.. ya so reached sch.. tried to settle down.. took out my foolscap paper etc.. den.. due to the loVE for my frens.. i started chatting wif them.. tmd... wasted! wasted alot of precious time! but when im wif my close frens.. & if i dun tok to them.. it feels awkward...!! grr think i realli cant study in sch..
yup yup so time FLEW past quickly! most of the time.. im jus luffing away, but now i thnk back.. i forgot wad i laughed at.. weird mi! ahh seems tt my freNNNSS haf someeee huggge prob but.. haiz. hope they get better ya? if they( u noe hu u are bah =) ) happen to see this.. plz noe tt i will be awaiting ur orders for any help u need(if u ever need).. gahhh
yup so when i was abt to go.. i was riding on sme bicycle.. a girl called out "hey boy boy boy on bicycle!" .. O M G.. tt was 1 of the worse thing i wanna hear in my life... gRRrr shall not reveal names here but... plz take note.. no "BOY" when u are referring to the C-H-A-O-Y-I okay? or if duno my name.. DUN EVER CALL MI BOY! TMD
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
=.= its not gd to start an entry wif a "=.=" but tts wad i feel now..=.= exams are coming rite after the may break & smth great happened..juST when i was abt to get my engine rolling and make a 1 month sprint, i took out all my notes, my practice papers etc etc & when i wanted to look for my pencil box in the SUPER STINKY BAG OF MINE, i find nth but a piece of OWENs t-shirt which has sweat all over it & the sweat is abt 3 days old =X
=D i CANT FIND MY FREAKING PENCIL BOX..! cux of tis, i feel suUUPper demoralised..=.= got nth to write wif anymore... didn wanna go buy pens cuz i still carry a slight tingle of hoPE! HOPE THAT I WILL FIND BACK MY DEAR PENCIL BOX... haiz..
okay so practically did nth constructive within these 2 days... HAIZ.. wads worse, when i walked ard tt day when i lost my pencil case, i had a feeling tt i left smth bhind.. tt feeling.. came too late.. tt feeling wasnt with mi when i am still in sch..=.= stupid. why didn it struck mi EARLIER!! ARGHGH DAMN SAD but nth much i can do abt it.. hope tt i can find it BACK!
kk lets not talk abt this.. lets tok abt happy stuffs! arhh.. nth much to tok abt todae except for the fact tt i slept for 15hrs(not continuosly) but its still quite a deal... SAD SAD SAD!
long sleeps are good cuz the probability of having a sweet dream is higher..
=D i CANT FIND MY FREAKING PENCIL BOX..! cux of tis, i feel suUUPper demoralised..=.= got nth to write wif anymore... didn wanna go buy pens cuz i still carry a slight tingle of hoPE! HOPE THAT I WILL FIND BACK MY DEAR PENCIL BOX... haiz..
okay so practically did nth constructive within these 2 days... HAIZ.. wads worse, when i walked ard tt day when i lost my pencil case, i had a feeling tt i left smth bhind.. tt feeling.. came too late.. tt feeling wasnt with mi when i am still in sch..=.= stupid. why didn it struck mi EARLIER!! ARGHGH DAMN SAD but nth much i can do abt it.. hope tt i can find it BACK!
kk lets not talk abt this.. lets tok abt happy stuffs! arhh.. nth much to tok abt todae except for the fact tt i slept for 15hrs(not continuosly) but its still quite a deal... SAD SAD SAD!
long sleeps are good cuz the probability of having a sweet dream is higher..
Monday, May 07, 2007
o.O its been sooOO long since i last blogged.. nth much changedd anw.. no pt to blog so often..
err.. recently there's an INDUCTION camp! it was quite gd & IM PROUD TO SAY I WAS PART OF THE PLANING COMP! for a few weeks.. but not 1 of them during the last few weeks cux i was suspended.. didn do much when i was wif them anw.. LOL! kk the camp was great! fabulous cuz of the typhOOn & tsunami etc..! hmm let mi recall EVERYTHING!
1st nite was boring at 1st.. cuz mi & junhui had to look after the bags.. in a dark tower wif nth much living except us & RATS..=.=! not 1.. not 2.. i think abit more than tt cuz while i was chatting wif jh den halfway a rat went to ran sack our bags & ate some of our stuff..=.= screw them! yea was dead dead dead boring until like 12pm ++ the j1s came.. treat them to some of our local delights & tts all for our part=.=
yea so the j2s sat tgt & crapped wif each other abt stuffs. den a geographer 101 said tt it wun rain tt nite.. & apparently.. dark clouds began to cover our heads & ppl jus panic! lOL the rain was hard & the wind was GREAT!(we were jus bside the sea) woOo was a scary experience.. dark & stormy..! so i tried to look for cover & hide from the storms.. but no matter where i hide, the rain will still find mi..=.= tts y i threw my fear away=.= i walked ard looking for ppl who needs help & gathered some grdsheets to distribute to ppl =D den tried to walk ard & calm them down.. THIS TIME. I SAW SMTH NICE! a lady was wearing a white long poncho & was standing alone in the dark stormy nite.. i stunned for a while & walked away pretending i didn see anything.. later on, i went bac found out tt it was actually maio sia =.=
kk tts all for the great nite w/o the rain stopping.
ubin.. was boring too.. while at nite, we found out tt ppl do not haf enuf water..=D tts y mi jiahao & cj cycled to buy some water.. =.- it was pitch black in ubin.. LOL after we reach the place.. i saw a dog.. the dog stood up & barked at CJ.. den it started to chase after mi..=.= scary but lucky it didn pursue mi for long.. pheW... kK so bought the water & returned to camp when we were scolded or watever by the teachers.. who said we took too long to return=.= nvm.. then the j1s went for nite walk! in pitch BLACK.
the j2s slept.. i slpt for 1 or 2 hrs.. b4 i felt the tent was shaking.. the wiND came again!=.- this time.. it was tsunami..! i got out to take a look den many ppl went into the tent to slp.. leaving mi outside=.= cldn realli slp while sitting.. so most prolly.. i cldnt recall.. whether i slpt that nite..=.=
right rite so after tt the nxt morning we went hoME.. HAPPILY! & i recalled i had a test the nxt day..! happy! but was too tired so.. i wENT TO SLP=D
kk this entry is getting pretty long so.. lets end here for now..! shall blog again soon>.<
err.. recently there's an INDUCTION camp! it was quite gd & IM PROUD TO SAY I WAS PART OF THE PLANING COMP! for a few weeks.. but not 1 of them during the last few weeks cux i was suspended.. didn do much when i was wif them anw.. LOL! kk the camp was great! fabulous cuz of the typhOOn & tsunami etc..! hmm let mi recall EVERYTHING!
1st nite was boring at 1st.. cuz mi & junhui had to look after the bags.. in a dark tower wif nth much living except us & RATS..=.=! not 1.. not 2.. i think abit more than tt cuz while i was chatting wif jh den halfway a rat went to ran sack our bags & ate some of our stuff..=.= screw them! yea was dead dead dead boring until like 12pm ++ the j1s came.. treat them to some of our local delights & tts all for our part=.=
yea so the j2s sat tgt & crapped wif each other abt stuffs. den a geographer 101 said tt it wun rain tt nite.. & apparently.. dark clouds began to cover our heads & ppl jus panic! lOL the rain was hard & the wind was GREAT!(we were jus bside the sea) woOo was a scary experience.. dark & stormy..! so i tried to look for cover & hide from the storms.. but no matter where i hide, the rain will still find mi..=.= tts y i threw my fear away=.= i walked ard looking for ppl who needs help & gathered some grdsheets to distribute to ppl =D den tried to walk ard & calm them down.. THIS TIME. I SAW SMTH NICE! a lady was wearing a white long poncho & was standing alone in the dark stormy nite.. i stunned for a while & walked away pretending i didn see anything.. later on, i went bac found out tt it was actually maio sia =.=
kk tts all for the great nite w/o the rain stopping.
ubin.. was boring too.. while at nite, we found out tt ppl do not haf enuf water..=D tts y mi jiahao & cj cycled to buy some water.. =.- it was pitch black in ubin.. LOL after we reach the place.. i saw a dog.. the dog stood up & barked at CJ.. den it started to chase after mi..=.= scary but lucky it didn pursue mi for long.. pheW... kK so bought the water & returned to camp when we were scolded or watever by the teachers.. who said we took too long to return=.= nvm.. then the j1s went for nite walk! in pitch BLACK.
the j2s slept.. i slpt for 1 or 2 hrs.. b4 i felt the tent was shaking.. the wiND came again!=.- this time.. it was tsunami..! i got out to take a look den many ppl went into the tent to slp.. leaving mi outside=.= cldn realli slp while sitting.. so most prolly.. i cldnt recall.. whether i slpt that nite..=.=
right rite so after tt the nxt morning we went hoME.. HAPPILY! & i recalled i had a test the nxt day..! happy! but was too tired so.. i wENT TO SLP=D
kk this entry is getting pretty long so.. lets end here for now..! shall blog again soon>.<
Thursday, April 26, 2007
life w/o fone..
arhh damn long since i last blogged.. busy anyways..
ya damn sad ytd.. CANT GET BACK MY DARLING FONE & tio caught by tt cutie chua boh teck when i went into the General Office to ask if my darling is ard somewher...=.- suPPPer suayyy & suuupppeerrr angRY!!.. im jus like a little ship walking stupidly into a wolves' den searching for my lost wool=.=
okay so the later part of the day was suckyyyyyyy
today, had the GP.. sUPPPER interesting..! interesting until i went out to get some foood at 9am when the lesson ends at 930..=D told the teacher tt i wanna go toilet but.. =D didn return at all.. yea so queued up for quite a long time at the cafe for 1 cute chocolate muffin but accidentally stepped on smbdy's feet while i was queuing... some nice ppl cannot see tt we are queuing to pay the $$ & they jus walk to the front of the queue to pay... GREAT. anw wasnt angry but was happy instead... sort of.. or mayb sad.. bleh..
kKK im gg for the ODAC INDUCTION CAMP 2007!! YAY!!... dun think it will b fun( tiring most probably) but hopE i can make the most fun out of it! ahhh LIFE W/O A FONE SUCKS COZ I CANT CONTACT THOSE PPL TO MEET UP WIF MI!! TMD!!
kk gg go now bbbYE
ya damn sad ytd.. CANT GET BACK MY DARLING FONE & tio caught by tt cutie chua boh teck when i went into the General Office to ask if my darling is ard somewher...=.- suPPPer suayyy & suuupppeerrr angRY!!.. im jus like a little ship walking stupidly into a wolves' den searching for my lost wool=.=
okay so the later part of the day was suckyyyyyyy
today, had the GP.. sUPPPER interesting..! interesting until i went out to get some foood at 9am when the lesson ends at 930..=D told the teacher tt i wanna go toilet but.. =D didn return at all.. yea so queued up for quite a long time at the cafe for 1 cute chocolate muffin but accidentally stepped on smbdy's feet while i was queuing... some nice ppl cannot see tt we are queuing to pay the $$ & they jus walk to the front of the queue to pay... GREAT. anw wasnt angry but was happy instead... sort of.. or mayb sad.. bleh..
kKK im gg for the ODAC INDUCTION CAMP 2007!! YAY!!... dun think it will b fun( tiring most probably) but hopE i can make the most fun out of it! ahhh LIFE W/O A FONE SUCKS COZ I CANT CONTACT THOSE PPL TO MEET UP WIF MI!! TMD!!
kk gg go now bbbYE
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
ohhhhhhhhhhh GREAT
oh great! comm test results! U U S e e =.- gotta see the VP for this...-.- freaking thought tt i finally passed my econs comm test in the end. =D the weightage changed & i scored a freaking S =.= haiz.. other ppl are scoring A's & B's & the worst is C's.. & they are already sighing.. WAD THE HELL..! I TOOK THE SAME PAPER, AND I GOT A FREAKING 30+!! wads the world going on!
haizz no pt asking mi to retain.. cux im sure tt 1 more yr is not gg make a diff for mi.. wads more.. im NV GG GET A CHANCE TO RETAIN CUZ MY FATHER WILL KILL MI 1ST..omg! m i realli not suited for JC?! my MATHS PAPER!.. i basically focussed all my attention on it.. & i scored a kawaii 39 pts! GREAT! my teachers said i didn put in enuf effort for my subjects.. but seriously... i noe myself.. ive owaes put maths on the 1st of my study list.. IN THE END. I OWAES GET A U=.= felt seriously bad when i saw the phy honours roll.. seriously.. turned off.. HOW can ppl doing the same paper do so well as compared to mi..=.=imagine 90+ & a 30+... 60+ diff.. and a 60+ is a B..=.= i can do the paper 3 times & the total add up.. oso cannot get 90..
sian lah sian lah.. feel suuuuuuuuuper low during maths & econs lesson jus now.. was pondering on wad i shld do... haiz.. alright! i'll jus disturb other ppl & make some noise to DESTRESS!
haizz no pt asking mi to retain.. cux im sure tt 1 more yr is not gg make a diff for mi.. wads more.. im NV GG GET A CHANCE TO RETAIN CUZ MY FATHER WILL KILL MI 1ST..omg! m i realli not suited for JC?! my MATHS PAPER!.. i basically focussed all my attention on it.. & i scored a kawaii 39 pts! GREAT! my teachers said i didn put in enuf effort for my subjects.. but seriously... i noe myself.. ive owaes put maths on the 1st of my study list.. IN THE END. I OWAES GET A U=.= felt seriously bad when i saw the phy honours roll.. seriously.. turned off.. HOW can ppl doing the same paper do so well as compared to mi..=.=imagine 90+ & a 30+... 60+ diff.. and a 60+ is a B..=.= i can do the paper 3 times & the total add up.. oso cannot get 90..
sian lah sian lah.. feel suuuuuuuuuper low during maths & econs lesson jus now.. was pondering on wad i shld do... haiz.. alright! i'll jus disturb other ppl & make some noise to DESTRESS!
Monday, March 26, 2007
痛.. pain..!!
arhghh PAIN ON MY thigh! zz duno y so so SO PAIN=.- how tO go PE tml!?
anw todae was quite a boring day.. ppl were out playing bowling.. gg town.. play LAN etc.. while i just went to eat lunch at the opp kopitiam=.- den went watch 300 at some weird place =x shall not tell u wher i watch it=.= anw jus now was so bored.. till sme1 (duno mi or daniao) suggested a BLIND DATE! LoL i find it quiteee refreshing so i agreeed =X but hj & as objects.. anw daniao called his OG's ppl & wanted her to come out for BLIND DATE but blehh she's not free so.. BAD LUCK.
ahh tell u the truth.. i played real mahjong for the 1st time todae.. altho for mi no $$ is involved.. anw its quite sian when im waiting for tt stupid tile & nth comes to mi.. =.- ahh
lol 4got abt common test..=.= okay got back 1st paper... CHEM..=.- got a freakinnng 47% =.= damn lousy for a H1 subject.. but anw.. its ok since i passed=.- MATHS.. oni 1/11 passed.. CAN I PLZ BE THE LUCKY WINNER?! zz but its quite impossible since... i do not haf any confidence at ALLL =.- now.. im praying for a pass... SOME superman GOT 96/100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U DIDN SEE WRONGLY.. A 96/100!!! OMG !! PRO PRO PRO PRO... HOLY OMG!-.- cant he spare a tot for mi?! liddat how can the teachers moderate it! .............. haiz.. crappy~
arhghh PAIN ON MY thigh! zz duno y so so SO PAIN=.- how tO go PE tml!?
anw todae was quite a boring day.. ppl were out playing bowling.. gg town.. play LAN etc.. while i just went to eat lunch at the opp kopitiam=.- den went watch 300 at some weird place =x shall not tell u wher i watch it=.= anw jus now was so bored.. till sme1 (duno mi or daniao) suggested a BLIND DATE! LoL i find it quiteee refreshing so i agreeed =X but hj & as objects.. anw daniao called his OG's ppl & wanted her to come out for BLIND DATE but blehh she's not free so.. BAD LUCK.
ahh tell u the truth.. i played real mahjong for the 1st time todae.. altho for mi no $$ is involved.. anw its quite sian when im waiting for tt stupid tile & nth comes to mi.. =.- ahh
lol 4got abt common test..=.= okay got back 1st paper... CHEM..=.- got a freakinnng 47% =.= damn lousy for a H1 subject.. but anw.. its ok since i passed=.- MATHS.. oni 1/11 passed.. CAN I PLZ BE THE LUCKY WINNER?! zz but its quite impossible since... i do not haf any confidence at ALLL =.- now.. im praying for a pass... SOME superman GOT 96/100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U DIDN SEE WRONGLY.. A 96/100!!! OMG !! PRO PRO PRO PRO... HOLY OMG!-.- cant he spare a tot for mi?! liddat how can the teachers moderate it! .............. haiz.. crappy~
Monday, March 19, 2007
argh exams=.-
1st up CHEM! im oni taking it at H1 level so dun think it posts as a big pROb.. erPx took the paper todae & think it was quite manageable but =.- didn realli study much for chem.. ohh wellllllll hoping & praying for a jus pass or maybe C.. or B?! LOL doesnt realli matter a pass will do..=D for now.
kk tml ECONS COMING UP... grr econs is a great killer..! but after econs paper there shld be some fresh air for mi to breath in cux of the 1 day break! GONNA KILL ALL OF THE PAPERS WITHOUT MERCY! kill kill kiLL!
goodluck to mi & every1 =)
1st up CHEM! im oni taking it at H1 level so dun think it posts as a big pROb.. erPx took the paper todae & think it was quite manageable but =.- didn realli study much for chem.. ohh wellllllll hoping & praying for a jus pass or maybe C.. or B?! LOL doesnt realli matter a pass will do..=D for now.
kk tml ECONS COMING UP... grr econs is a great killer..! but after econs paper there shld be some fresh air for mi to breath in cux of the 1 day break! GONNA KILL ALL OF THE PAPERS WITHOUT MERCY! kill kill kiLL!
goodluck to mi & every1 =)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
its raining man!
okay!~ its raining & im bored therefore i went to clear up the rabbit's ***t BUT IT actually PLANNED a GREAT ESCAPE!!! caught on camera!!

found out about it's PLOT!

failed attempt=.-

another try..

"lets see how u catch mi here!"

"oh no..."

placed behind bars..
grr stupid rabbit loves to run.. anw dun wry.. no animals are hurt in this place & i haf to put it back into the cage for its oWN gooD! sad life but.. i will entertain it more often...
kk im gg study abit of phy now..! take care lots every1=.-

found out about it's PLOT!

failed attempt=.-

another try..

"lets see how u catch mi here!"

"oh no..."

placed behind bars..
grr stupid rabbit loves to run.. anw dun wry.. no animals are hurt in this place & i haf to put it back into the cage for its oWN gooD! sad life but.. i will entertain it more often...
kk im gg study abit of phy now..! take care lots every1=.-
Friday, March 09, 2007
okay okay i changed skin.. AGAIN cant tahan tt freaking gay gin nah skin anymore... grrr.. okay.. went for GP common test today.. WOW GREAT.. =.= bbrrr after tt slacked in sch ( smth which i haate) for like 4hrs++? LOL wonderfful!! anw stayed bac to see the jc1s.. =D
was so bored walking ard ard ard & ard so went lot1 not long after.. haiz boring day.. just had a demoralizing GP paper & dun feel like writing so much now.. see ya.. shld b bac later at nite =)
-u looked cute jus now.. but is tt just my imagination??
was so bored walking ard ard ard & ard so went lot1 not long after.. haiz boring day.. just had a demoralizing GP paper & dun feel like writing so much now.. see ya.. shld b bac later at nite =)
-u looked cute jus now.. but is tt just my imagination??
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
zz im noOB im stupiD~! played 3 rounds of bowling & still cant get things rite=.=
tot it was ez.. jus drop the ball on the floor den the ball will roll to the pins & POOP! STRIKE! =.= tts how it goes in handfone games=.= real LIFE.. NO WAY!
same as tennis.. on my fone, every surf will go to the opponent at fast speed & at gd accuracy.. BUt in real LIFe=.= NONE OF MY SURF WENT IN RIGHT ......
zZzz gonna pump hard for COMMON TEST! tts my GOAL.. but if i can do it, is another thing=.= yup see my name on principal list nxt term. talking bout distractions, oh yea worms.. IM GONNA WIN TT STUPID SEBASTARD THE NXT TIME GRR TIO OWNED=.=! TMD !! oh well im jus crapping all the way.. blah no link hre no link there no link no link everywherrrr zz tts all for todae im gonna go bath=.=
tot it was ez.. jus drop the ball on the floor den the ball will roll to the pins & POOP! STRIKE! =.= tts how it goes in handfone games=.= real LIFE.. NO WAY!
same as tennis.. on my fone, every surf will go to the opponent at fast speed & at gd accuracy.. BUt in real LIFe=.= NONE OF MY SURF WENT IN RIGHT ......
zZzz gonna pump hard for COMMON TEST! tts my GOAL.. but if i can do it, is another thing=.= yup see my name on principal list nxt term. talking bout distractions, oh yea worms.. IM GONNA WIN TT STUPID SEBASTARD THE NXT TIME GRR TIO OWNED=.=! TMD !! oh well im jus crapping all the way.. blah no link hre no link there no link no link everywherrrr zz tts all for todae im gonna go bath=.=
Saturday, February 24, 2007
happy waiting
zz wanted to blog but brO was playing game till now=.= LOL so i waited from 10pm until now! ended up hafta do hw & revise econs etc.. LOL duno how im gg go v marathon tML.. guess im gonna walk all the way up =.-
nah nth v interesting todae for mi.. wake up slp eat slack plae work den now. =D zz well i suppose i hafta write smth for this entry bah.. hmm smth worth talking b0ut is the odac bBQ on fri.. well was absolutely at a loss of wad to do cuz of the stupid rain..=.- lucky everything turned out rite cuz of the odac CURRENT j2s =D esp JUNHUI... lOL EVEN THO HE KEEP SAYING HE IS ******E & all the stuff.. he still did alot of things.. yea every1 bow to him.. yea every1 did their joBs well =D..
lol the j3s came back.. in black POLO tee. WOW wad a clever choice of clothes for bBQ! i think they're cool! i suppose they themselves think so too =D. ohh so bBQed the stuff & yea! thank the SCs.. they lend us 2 containers to store the drinks.. GOD KNOWS WADS WAS IN THE CONTAINER..=.= i tot it was empty at first but, a slight tilt on the container caused some disgusting cutie liquid the THE FREAKING container to pour on my BACK & somebdy's bag =X zz super disgusting=.= blehh think every1 enjoyed themselves & tts abt all for ppl who didn went for the BBQ.. u ppl didn miss much! =D
zz wanted to blog but brO was playing game till now=.= LOL so i waited from 10pm until now! ended up hafta do hw & revise econs etc.. LOL duno how im gg go v marathon tML.. guess im gonna walk all the way up =.-
nah nth v interesting todae for mi.. wake up slp eat slack plae work den now. =D zz well i suppose i hafta write smth for this entry bah.. hmm smth worth talking b0ut is the odac bBQ on fri.. well was absolutely at a loss of wad to do cuz of the stupid rain..=.- lucky everything turned out rite cuz of the odac CURRENT j2s =D esp JUNHUI... lOL EVEN THO HE KEEP SAYING HE IS ******E & all the stuff.. he still did alot of things.. yea every1 bow to him.. yea every1 did their joBs well =D..
lol the j3s came back.. in black POLO tee. WOW wad a clever choice of clothes for bBQ! i think they're cool! i suppose they themselves think so too =D. ohh so bBQed the stuff & yea! thank the SCs.. they lend us 2 containers to store the drinks.. GOD KNOWS WADS WAS IN THE CONTAINER..=.= i tot it was empty at first but, a slight tilt on the container caused some disgusting cutie liquid the THE FREAKING container to pour on my BACK & somebdy's bag =X zz super disgusting=.= blehh think every1 enjoyed themselves & tts abt all for ppl who didn went for the BBQ.. u ppl didn miss much! =D
Monday, February 19, 2007
kk last of my trilogy.. =D im blogging earlier & earlier cux im tireder & tireder..
=.- erpx last part of my 3 days life story.. kk so i woke up made toasts AGAIN=.= lol fell in love wif making toasts..=.= grr today was peanut butter toast from Yi Kun loti!
anw peanut butter + toast not nice de.. kaya & butter sugar is still the best! hMm so after tt i tried a stunt & attempted to bake some cookies w/o referring to any recipe.. =D kept on adding flour coz my dough looks wet & SHITTY like =X so add add add.. den I ADDED EGG=.= how clever.. the egg totally owned.. after keep on adding flour & stuff, i finally made do wif a lousy dough & baked COOKIES!
well remb tt 40min is needed for the thingy to get cooked but after oni 30min, SOMETHING BURNT =D yea so i took out the "cookies" =) majority of them are not burnt.. but smth is definitely wrong.. so i landed my teeth on the cookies.. OWNED. i jus made new flavour, stone cookies. pui seriously sucked to the very owning core of the happy earth=.= no choice hafta throw my hardwork away.. oh well anw determined to make more cookies!! gonna gif 1 of my later products to all of my frens..! let them try my =D cookies.
kk tts the end.. im not staying up tonite.. GD NITE
=.- erpx last part of my 3 days life story.. kk so i woke up made toasts AGAIN=.= lol fell in love wif making toasts..=.= grr today was peanut butter toast from Yi Kun loti!
anw peanut butter + toast not nice de.. kaya & butter sugar is still the best! hMm so after tt i tried a stunt & attempted to bake some cookies w/o referring to any recipe.. =D kept on adding flour coz my dough looks wet & SHITTY like =X so add add add.. den I ADDED EGG=.= how clever.. the egg totally owned.. after keep on adding flour & stuff, i finally made do wif a lousy dough & baked COOKIES!
well remb tt 40min is needed for the thingy to get cooked but after oni 30min, SOMETHING BURNT =D yea so i took out the "cookies" =) majority of them are not burnt.. but smth is definitely wrong.. so i landed my teeth on the cookies.. OWNED. i jus made new flavour, stone cookies. pui seriously sucked to the very owning core of the happy earth=.= no choice hafta throw my hardwork away.. oh well anw determined to make more cookies!! gonna gif 1 of my later products to all of my frens..! let them try my =D cookies.
kk tts the end.. im not staying up tonite.. GD NITE
Sunday, February 18, 2007
CNY day 1
Selamat baru yeaR!
Happy NeW year!
okAy! time is 1:58am & here i am again! my 2nd day of late sleepingg~ nth to do so i blogged again..! blEHh so todae was slack eat sleep slack homework den HERE I AM! brr too bored so i did smth super smart & FUn. simply go to Yahoo! or Gooooogle & type in "ur name blogspot" to find all sorts of ppl writing abt u in their blogs..(credit goes to XH cuz he told mi i cld do tt) well i found alot of other ppl wif the same name as mi & oso AS NICE as i am..>.<>
tell u another secret, i DID 1½ econs essay!.. unbelievable im actually doing work! altho i dun realli noe wad im copying into the foolscap but, it looks like im doing smth clever! zZz curse the PAE.. was realli affected by the happy j1s who's wasting their time (jus like wad i did last yr) in sch.. grr they're having so much fun! how i wish i cld join them..=.- seriously cant get the mood to study in this kind of happy environment + sceneryyy.. not many but =)
diE! i cant believe im taking A's this yr & going army nxt yr..=.= comon tell mi.. do i LOOK LIKE A BLOODY SOLDIER? =.= cant imagine it.. i think i look more like an underaged boy carrying a gun longer than myself=.= blEHH! time is passing by so god damn fast-ly!
arghh! comon smbdy saveeeeeeeee mi!!!! stop the time foR mi! zz crappy & shorter post today.. nitttte all Z.z
Happy NeW year!
okAy! time is 1:58am & here i am again! my 2nd day of late sleepingg~ nth to do so i blogged again..! blEHh so todae was slack eat sleep slack homework den HERE I AM! brr too bored so i did smth super smart & FUn. simply go to Yahoo! or Gooooogle & type in "ur name blogspot" to find all sorts of ppl writing abt u in their blogs..(credit goes to XH cuz he told mi i cld do tt) well i found alot of other ppl wif the same name as mi & oso AS NICE as i am..>.<>
tell u another secret, i DID 1½ econs essay!.. unbelievable im actually doing work! altho i dun realli noe wad im copying into the foolscap but, it looks like im doing smth clever! zZz curse the PAE.. was realli affected by the happy j1s who's wasting their time (jus like wad i did last yr) in sch.. grr they're having so much fun! how i wish i cld join them..=.- seriously cant get the mood to study in this kind of happy environment + sceneryyy.. not many but =)
diE! i cant believe im taking A's this yr & going army nxt yr..=.= comon tell mi.. do i LOOK LIKE A BLOODY SOLDIER? =.= cant imagine it.. i think i look more like an underaged boy carrying a gun longer than myself=.= blEHH! time is passing by so god damn fast-ly!
arghh! comon smbdy saveeeeeeeee mi!!!! stop the time foR mi! zz crappy & shorter post today.. nitttte all Z.z
Saturday, February 17, 2007
kk so i started blogging again.. 1st things 1st.. LOL the skin is stupid + gay + idiot.. but VERY CUTE! zz in despo need of new skin so.. dun care le lah! loL..hmm in case the timing shown in the entry is wrong, let mi tell u.. its 3:54am of the CNY eve or rather CNY itself! =D
lOL im "shou-Sui"-ing so comon praise mi.. im a fillial son X . X was soOooo super bored so heehee.. returned to bloggin since it kills off some time.. anw did my MATHS VECTORS TUTORIAL todae. YOU SAW THE RIGHT THING! YES I DID HOMEWORK! =.- had nth to do so did some tutorial to KILL time again!
anw lets tok abt my miserable life.. LOL! CNY celebrations.. slAcked while my class ppl are preparing the "very nice" lou hei? or duno wad thingy.. haiz.. not i dun wanna help.. is jUS i dun even haf a place to stand at my class de table=.= much less helping.. anw went to the bac of the canteen to the study area there & slacked & played WORMS on my hp..=.= comon im a loser i noe..
yupX so enjoying WORMS & sceneryyy for a while.. haiz but too Bad, scenery was gone in a while... kK so went bac to lOOk at my class de thingy.. "wOW" i exclaimed, & i walked away again.
blehh so after the whole thingy, went to watch concert & i played WORMS again..!=.= omg sia WORMS bcame my best fren=.-
blehH the concert is quite ok bah.. tho the emcee tried his very best to make every1 luff but not many supported him.. oh well its not ez to b a g00d EMCEE..=D
gRR so many things to write! im gonna write 2months worth of entries in this entry! oh well nth impt in the later part of the blog.. jus the continuation of my stupid life during the CNY eve's eve ... bYE!
still wanna read? okay.. so went home to change pants but nv change my clothes..(weirD o.O eh?!) den went out to waste time in town wif mhao & AS & daniAo. LOL anw along the way sAw loADS! of nice nice sceneries till i dun wanna go HOME! gRR seriously is a SeE till U DROP ! grr but oh well gotta go means gotta go..=.- sad.. didn buy anything & didn see anything tt interests me so.. OH WELL.. forget iT!
was looking for a White & green sling bag at 1st but later on, realized tt SOMEBODY HAS 1 TT FITS TT CRITERIA.. so i dun think i gg buY 1 of tt colour pattern le.. >.<
kk so i started blogging again.. 1st things 1st.. LOL the skin is stupid + gay + idiot.. but VERY CUTE! zz in despo need of new skin so.. dun care le lah! loL..hmm in case the timing shown in the entry is wrong, let mi tell u.. its 3:54am of the CNY eve or rather CNY itself! =D
lOL im "shou-Sui"-ing so comon praise mi.. im a fillial son X . X was soOooo super bored so heehee.. returned to bloggin since it kills off some time.. anw did my MATHS VECTORS TUTORIAL todae. YOU SAW THE RIGHT THING! YES I DID HOMEWORK! =.- had nth to do so did some tutorial to KILL time again!
anw lets tok abt my miserable life.. LOL! CNY celebrations.. slAcked while my class ppl are preparing the "very nice" lou hei? or duno wad thingy.. haiz.. not i dun wanna help.. is jUS i dun even haf a place to stand at my class de table=.= much less helping.. anw went to the bac of the canteen to the study area there & slacked & played WORMS on my hp..=.= comon im a loser i noe..
yupX so enjoying WORMS & sceneryyy for a while.. haiz but too Bad, scenery was gone in a while... kK so went bac to lOOk at my class de thingy.. "wOW" i exclaimed, & i walked away again.
blehh so after the whole thingy, went to watch concert & i played WORMS again..!=.= omg sia WORMS bcame my best fren=.-
blehH the concert is quite ok bah.. tho the emcee tried his very best to make every1 luff but not many supported him.. oh well its not ez to b a g00d EMCEE..=D
gRR so many things to write! im gonna write 2months worth of entries in this entry! oh well nth impt in the later part of the blog.. jus the continuation of my stupid life during the CNY eve's eve ... bYE!
still wanna read? okay.. so went home to change pants but nv change my clothes..(weirD o.O eh?!) den went out to waste time in town wif mhao & AS & daniAo. LOL anw along the way sAw loADS! of nice nice sceneries till i dun wanna go HOME! gRR seriously is a SeE till U DROP ! grr but oh well gotta go means gotta go..=.- sad.. didn buy anything & didn see anything tt interests me so.. OH WELL.. forget iT!
was looking for a White & green sling bag at 1st but later on, realized tt SOMEBODY HAS 1 TT FITS TT CRITERIA.. so i dun think i gg buY 1 of tt colour pattern le.. >.<
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