Saturday, October 05, 2013


nth special as usual! heh. unsure whether tts a gd thing but. same saying goes, nth bad means its good. always wanting to take a step forward but lacking in courage cuz i haf too much to lose. sometimes i rly envy ppl who took the brave step forward and achieved smth incredible. while for my case, i always hesitate and if im not wrong, whenever i step forward, i only get shit results tt deters me frm doing so anymore. well well....

ive... worked hard these few weeks? and yes i needa work harder in academic wise. gotta pick up the pace. and oh, i havent met many of my frens for awhile... hey it aint totally my fault, they are bz wif their stuffs as well ok.
i..rly detest meeting up wif ppl to do "catching up". in a sense cuz im not doing well. and in another way, theres nt much purpose in like catching up wif ppl cuz however they do doesnt rly affect me in any way. true right? and while knowing whether they are doing well doesnt really affect me in a positive way, taking time out of my full schedule jus to meet up wif them affects me in a negative way. like i hafta shagg my ass off further jus to meet up wif em, and arranging timings makes me feel slightly pissed off and furthermore, havin to spend money on meals and stuffs. overall i will gain no utility in meeting them, and in fact my disposable income falls. the final results in a fall in utillity thus, it is irrational to meetup wif those ppl.

well that said, my bro talked to me abt tt as well, he said "y mus u haf a purpose whenever u meet up wif ppl" and my reply was "y not"
err... it is true tho, meeting up wif ppl shld give me positive utility in the form of comfort? tt i will be glad tt the person is doing well and also happiness? tt i am able to luff and joke ard wif them to brighten up my day. that said if the utility is not able to balance out the disutility tt i haf to invest in ie; my time and my money, i shld not go.

hha. sounds just like an econs student trying to reason his way out of his weird thinkings. well well. i shall....hit the roads one of these days ok? yea i will try.

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